Jubilee Economics
Casa Jubileo

In our Casa Jubileo in Puebla, Mexico, we launched our School of the Prophets last Fall with an introductory course on the Old Testament prophets, an in-depth look at the prophet Micah, and have just finished a course looking at a socio-political reading of the Gospels. We invite your participation with comments and suggestions. Join us in our journey of renewing biblical prophecy for today. (Hint: Prophecy is not the same as prediction.)
En días pasados Casa Jubileo propuso una escuela de profetas, para hacer una re-lectura de las Sagradas Escrituras con el fin de desarrollar una visión contemporánea para un ministerio profético, a partir de nuestras realidades y contextos económicos, políticos, sociales, etc.
Over the past few months the Casa Jubileo has launched a school of the prophets to engage in a re-reading of the Sacred Scriptures with the goal of developing a contemporary vision for a prophetic ministry that takes into account our political, economic, and social realities and contexts.
Al entrar a la sala de reuniones de Casa Jubileo se puede leer una lona que desafía con un verso del profeta Miqueas 3:8 “Yo, en cambio, estoy lleno de poder, del Espíritu del SEÑOR, y de juicio y de valor, para dar a conocer a Jacob su rebelión, y a Israel su pecado”.La iglesia tiene un llamado de valentía y de denuncia sobre los pueblos, países y gobernantes de nuestro tiempo, aunque ello signifique incomodarlos. Una iglesias que permanece muda e indiferente ante la corrupción y la injusticia, que no se pronuncia por no molestar a nadie sino que busca quedar bien con todos, es una iglesia sumergida en la cobardía.
As one enters our virtual classroom in the Casa Jubileo one can read on the wall the verse from Micah 3:8,“But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might, to declare to Jacob his transgressions, to Israel his sin.” The church has a call that requires courage to denounce the people, countries and governments of our day, even though this may well make them uncomfortable. A church that remains silent and indifferent in the face of corruption and injustice, that seeks first of all to be at peace with everyone, is a church that is submerged in cowardice.
El profeta está llamado a compartir la Palabra de Dios al pueblo de su tiempo, y su pasión es llamarles a volver a la fidelidad del pacto con Dios. Un pacto de amor y de justicia, de verdad y de equilibrio, llamando al mundo al arrepentimiento, a cambiar el rumbo del camino, a reivindicarse, a despojarse de la avaricia, la corrupción, el poder, la maldad. La tarea del profeta por tanto, toma la forma de palabra y acción, como dice un cantito del folklore latinoamericano “no basta rezar, hacen falta muchas cosas para construir la paz”, es decir, a Dios pidiendo pero también actuando.
The prophet is called to share the Word of God to the people of his or her time, whose passion is to call them to return to faithfulness to God’s covenant. A covenant of love and justice, of truth and balance, a call to repentance which means a change of course, a renewal, a throwing off of greed, corruption, power and evil. The work of the prophet therefore takes the form of word and action or as the Latin American folk song goes: “it’s not enough to only pray as there are still many things left to do before we will have peace.” We are in prayer to God while also acting on the side of justice.
Que Dios nos ayude, a través de estos espacios como lo es la escuela de profetas, a ser fieles y valientes con esa vocación profética que nos pide su Palabra, y que nos exige nuestro momento histórico.
May God help us use these spaces we have, like the school of the prophets, to learn to be faithful and brave in our prophetic vocations to speak the Word of the Lord for such a time as this.