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Jubilee Economics
Casa Jubileo
We Are a Bi-National Organization Wanting to Practice Sufficiency Economics on Our One Earth Home
In our Casa Jubileo in Puebla, Mexico, we launched our School of the Prophets last Fall with an introductory course on the Old Testament prophets, an in-depth look at the prophet Micah, and have just finished a course looking at a socio-political reading of the Gospels. We invite your participation with comments and suggestions. Join us in our journey of renewing biblical prophecy for today. (Hint: Prophecy is not the same as prediction.)
En días pasados Casa Jubileo propuso una escuela de profetas, para hacer una re-lectura de las Sagradas Escrituras con el fin de desarrollar una visión contemporánea para un ministerio profético, a partir de nuestras realidades y contextos económicos, políticos, sociales, etc.
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