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Episode 71 :: Jim Redmond, Mr. Missouri River, on Acting Ecologically Wherever You Live

Our guest on this podcast, Jim Redmond, exemplifies the importance of living in ecological consciousness wherever we are. Jim is a leader in the Iowa Sierra Club and has great knowledge about relating to the Missouri River with ecological integrity.

If you’re a Sierra Club member in the state of Iowa, what kind of issues are you addressing? If you’re not in Iowa, you’ll be able to translate all the issues discussed in this podcast into similar ones in your area: protecting fragile habitats, pure water, using the natural world in ways that recognize our interdependence with it.: protecting fragile habitats, pure water, using the natural world in ways that recognize our interdependence with it. I bet the rest of you a cup of organic, fair trade coffee that you don’t know what Loess (l-o-e-s-s) [luhss] Hills are or where they are, do you? What is the significance of the lawsuit brought by the City of Des Moines’ water works against three counties for nitrate pollution in the Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers? How is the biofuel ethanol and the demand for corn fructose as a sweetener affecting Iowa ecologically? Listen and learn along with us, your hosts, about ecological issues that are part of the fabric of life in one of our Midwestern states.

Jerry met Jim when they served on an environmental panel at a college in Northwest Iowa. When Jerry retired, he became active in the Sierra Club. Jim has been the head of the Northwest Iowa Sierra Club for decades.

He is an advocate for the Loess Hills and the Missouri River, and has served on state and regional committees to protect these vital natural resources. From 1977-2008 he taught Liberal Arts, English and Writing at Briar Cliff University, where he is Emeritus Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Studies. Redmond continues to support conservation projects in the region. The Missouri River passes by Sioux City and separates Iowa from Nebraska.

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