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Mid-March Bonus: Author/Educator Mark A. Burch on How Simpler Living Can Change Campuses, Curriculum

Is simpler living just about personal choices? “No,” says Mark A. Burch, a Canadian author, speaker and transformational educator. He has published seven books about voluntary simplicity and sustainable livelihood, including The Hidden Door: Mindful Sufficiency as an Alternative to Extinction; Stepping Lightly: Simplicity for People and the Planet and The Simplicity Exercises: A Sourcebook for Simplicity Educators. His short fiction garnered first prize in the Lady Eaton Short Story competition and Stepping Lightly was nominated for the Nautilus Award in non-fiction. Euterra Rising is his debut novel.

He has practiced simple living since the 1960s, and since 1995, has offered presentations, workshops and courses on voluntary simplicity. He brought simpler living into the structures, practices, and curriculum of a university while he was Director of the Campus Sustainability Office for The University of Winnipeg. He is also the former Co-Director of the Simplicity Practice and Resource Centre, and former Instructional Fellow with the Canadian School of Peacebuilding in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He has been a frequent featured guest on Canadian Broadcast Corporation radio and TV. He has shown how simpler living is not only an important personal choice, but that it can have larger impacts for transformation when it helps shape collective structures, economic systems, and social policies.

In 2012, he wrote eight papers for the Simplicity Institute in Australia. He also wrote the handy “Simplicity Study Circles: A Step-by-Step Guide.” Most recently he has moved to futuristic fiction with “Euterra Rising: the Last Eutopia.”

Visit for his blog Dispatches From Euterra

Future episodes of Simpler OneEarth Living feature Susan Taylor of Just Money Advisors on her new book “What About Our Money.”


"Jubilee Circles," a little book on radicalizing our work for OneEarth living is now available. In a mere 65 pages, it reports on the work of 3 Jubilee Circles in the U.S. and Mexico and urges you to form such a Circle where you are. It presents 13 themes and over 30 practices to help your Circle get underway. Get your copy by making a donation to The Common Good Podcast (click “donate” button at or write and ask

Co-host Lee Van Ham’s recent book, "From Egos to Eden: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable," is available online at Powells, Barnes and Nobles, and other stores in addition to Amazon. You can also listen to him talk about the book on an earlier podcast, TCGP #77 :: Lee Van Ham: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable

OF RELATED INTEREST: Co-Host Jerry Iversen’s Simple Living Works! Website & Podcasts

Here’s something new for 2018 in our podcasting. On the first of the month, you’ll be able to hear a new episode on OneEarth living produced by The Common Good Podcast. On the 15th of the month a new episode on OneEarth living produced by Simple Living Works will be posted for your listening. This adds another option for you each month on both websites: Simple Living Works ( and the Jubilee website (

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