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Episode 72 :: Walter Brueggemann on Sabbath as Resistance to a Nano-Second, Hurry-Up World

This podcast is about resistance to our 24/7 civilization. Quiet, disciplined resistance.* Practicing alternative, slower behaviors to the fast food, nano-second hurry of a work week, and living richer because of it. This interview with Walter Brueggemann will surprise, disturb, and delight you!!

The interview revolves around the word “Sabbath.” It’s a surprise, because not so many of us would likely hurry to listen to a podcast on Sabbath. But this half-hour interview with Brueggemann goes to highly unpredictable places. This podcast will destroy the stereotypes about Sabbath.

Walter Brueggemann’s web site: About, Books, Audio/Video || Wikipedia

Sabbath as Resistance: Saying NO to the Culture of NOW

Walter Brueggemann is surely one of the most influential Bible interpreters of our time. He is the author of over one hundred books and numerous scholarly articles. He continues to be a highly sought-after speaker.

Brueggemann was born in Tilden, Nebraska in 1933. He often speaks of the influence of his father, a German Evangelical pastor. Brueggemann attended Elmhurst College, graduating in 1955 with an A.B. He went on to Eden Theological Seminary, earning a B.D.(equivalent to today’s M.Div.) in 1958. He completed his formal theological education at Union Theological Seminary in 1961, earning the Th.D. under the primary guidance of James Muilenburg. While teaching at Eden, he earned a Ph.D. in education at St. Louis University.

Brueggemann has served as faculty at two institutions in his career: Eden Theological Seminary (1961-1986) and Columbia Theological Seminary (1986-2003). He is currently William Marcellus McPheeters professor emeritus of Old Testament at Columbia.

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