Episode 76 :: Let's Have an Ugly Food Thanksgiving

Part 1: Celebrating Ugly Food / Gleaning with Pastor Amy Beveridge, Gail McNichols-Oliver and Emily Wilson
Exploring the intersection of food, water & faith in a time of drought, every Sunday in August, Bethel Lutheran Church (ELCA), Templeton, CA - Speakers, film, music, worship, fun! + Ugly Food Banquet.
Bethel Lutheran’s Ugly Food Project promotion items (media releases, bulletin inserts, etc.) Plus an extended conversation with Gail McNichols-Oliver, a founder of GleanSLO, and Biblical reflections by Pr. Amy in light of Jesus’ feeding the multitudes.

Part 2: Fighting for Clean Water with Paula Wansa
Ugly Food Facts
√ 40% of food in America goes to waste in fields, gardens, stores, restaurants, schools.
√ Ugly produce may actually be healthier than pretty food. Some imperfect, cracked fruit may contain more antioxidants.
√ Carrying a reusable “take home” container in our cars saves left-overs from our restaurant meals and keeps more single-use containers out of the landfill.
√ FutureOfFood.com // NatGeoFood.com
National Geographic, March, 2016, cover story: How ‘Ugly’ Fruits and Vegetables Can Help Solve World Hunger
√ “Tossed Out: Food Waste in America” 29 min. video from NET Nebraska/Harvest Public Media. Site includes 3, 2-3 min. clips: “Inside a Landfill,” “Food Waste in the Family Home,” “Trash to Glass.”
√ GleanSLO volunteers – part of San Luis Obispo County, CA, Food Bank – rescue food from stores, fields and back yards and give it to agencies for distribution. GleanSLO.org
√ 5 Things I Learned While Lobbying Congress on Food Waste
√ Lutheran World Relief and ELCA Hunger videos http://lwr.org/videos http://www.elca.org/Resources/ELCA-World-Hunger
MORE Resources
Making Applesauce - Gerald Iversen’s blog about his recent gleaning experience.
Full Frame [Link TV]: Eradicating Hunger, includes segment at end on gleaning
Why People Are Falling in Love with “Ugly Food” - TIME, March, 2015
MENTIONS in This Episode
Lee’s Current blogs
The Jubilee Debate Throughout the Bible
Economic Recovery—Why Recovery of Sight Is Core to Economic Recovery ala Jubilee
Jesus Praises Whistleblowing That Exposes Growth Economics
The Economics of Pentecost (or, the Spirit Is Not a Capitalist)
10 Experiences That Change Our Consciousness—How We See and Act to Keep Earth Habitable
“Seasoned Travelers” on the Heroic Journey
The Dakota Access Pipeline—Follow It on “Indian Country Today Media Network”
China Sets Sights on “Building an Ecological Civilization”
Ego and Civilization: Provisional Efforts, Not Our Best
Are National Parks OneEarth or MultiEarth?
Predation by “Civilized” Humans More Ruthless than Killing in the Wild?
Lee’s book Blinded by Progress at TheOneEarthProject.com | REVIEWS. See Kritika Narula’s (Delhi, India) essay/review on Goodreads.com.