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Episode 77 :: Lee Van Ham: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable

​​The Common Good Podcast stays home in this episode as co-host Jerry Iversen interviews co-host Lee Van Ham about his new book (pictured here) to be available February, 2017, shortly after the inauguration of Donald Trump as president. This book is the 2nd of three in the series, “Eden for the 21st Century.” It agrees with those who say that the current crises are beyond anything our species has ever faced. Lee describes what about our current moment makes it so daunting.

The book’s overall structure follows the sequence of a mythic heroic journey (as described by mythologist Joseph Campbell) to describe both the stages and the size of the great work of keeping our planet livable. Earth now Calls each of us to this heroic journey.

Lee speaks of the importance of First Peoples as partners and guides in keeping Earth livable. Patricia St. Onge (Haudenosaune) wrote the "Foreword" and consulted with Lee on Chapter Seven which speaks of the essential work of First Peoples in OneEarth living. Many First Peoples are now putting their lives on the line for our planet in exemplary and heroic ways.

The influence of the late Earth-centered theologian, Thomas Berry, and psychiatrist Carl Jung appears throughout this book. Both show a spirituality that is broad enough and deep enough to engage the life-threatening crises happening now ecologically. It is an apocalyptic time in which civilization is unraveling and, simultaneously, a new way is appearing that is Earth-size. The new way moves into interdependence with all Earth's creatures and ecospheres.

We urge you to get the book when it becomes available February 14, 2017. Every chapter concludes with questions for discussion and action, making it ideal for groups.

Gerald's Vision of the Future / Gerald's Enough blogs for Jubilee OneEarth Economics (in process)

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