Episode 78 :: Susan Taylor: Raising Financially Fit Kids

Whether you're a parent rearing children in affluence or poverty, how your children relate to money is a primary way to shape their values and spriritual practice. Susan Taylor, a professional financial advisor, has so many helpful thoughts and stories on kids and money—or should we say parenting and money?. We're happy to bring her to you on The Common Good Podcast. Here are a few of the questions we ask her in this episode.
Let's talk about kids and money (children through teens). First of all, how do you approach this subject? What are your objectives? Is your work more with parents or with children and teens?
You are a board member of Faith and Money Network as well as a financial advisor and an economist. How do these influences come together for you in working with kids and money?
Let's say that I wanted you to lead several sessions for parents. The topic would be kids and money. What are the themes you would want to cover? and how would you go about it?
MENTIONS in This Episode
The Resilient Investor by Christopher Peck
What Kids Want That Money Can't Buy by Betsy Taylor
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