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Episode 74 :: Paul Taylor: How Much Is Enough? A Vital Question for the Common Good

When an economy HAS to grow in order to be strong, it cannot answer the questions raised in this podcast: How much is enough? And how does living with a sense of enough affect the quality of our lives and the lives of others? Earth, our planetary home, has strong opinions about how much of what she produces is for each of us. Our choices about enough put us between what the growth economy says and what the ecospheres say. What does an economy of enough look like? How can we encourage one another in choices of sufficiency when we’re often told that we deserve more? When all around us we’re being lured into nicer, better, and greater? What happens to poverty and wealth in a world where everyone takes only their portion? This podcast lets you in on one person’s choices about enough and more, sufficiency and excess. PLUS, our guest raises a haunting question that grows out of the biblical story of manna, the food for the people of Israel while they were in the desert after leaving Egypt. Here’s the question: Even though the Bible clearly states that a container of manna is to be in the Ark of the Covenant as a perpetual reminder of enough, why do we never see so much as a symbol of it in centers of Judeo-Christian worship?

Lee met Paul initially when they attended an event led by Faith and Money Network, Inc., part of the Church of the Savior in Washington, D.C. Paul has chaired the board of Faith and Money Network for a number of years. He’s been the owner of Continental Pacific Lumber, a small business in pallets and containers. Along the way, his wife, Cara, and Lee’s, Juanita, developed a wonderful relationship, and that too facilitated getting Lee and Paul together. Paul and Cara live just outside of Sacramento. It was on one of the visits Juanita and Lee made to their home that Paul wondered aloud why houses of worship did not have in them a symbol of Enough? Eventually that led to this podcast.

  • MENTIONS in This Episode

Lee’s Current blogs

  • Jubilee Economics

  • Jesus Praises Whistleblowing That Exposes Growth Economics

  • How Jubilee Came to Be Inscribed on the U.S. Liberty Bell

  • The Economics of Pentecost or the Spirit Is Not a Capitalist

  • Jubilee Is Bigger Than We’d Thought: Permeates Scripture, Addresses Today’s Crises (4/29)

  • Jubilee and the Kingdom of God: A Better Model for Us Than Superpower Domination and Failures (4/17)

  • The OneEarth Project

  • Sharing Space with Wild Critters; Being Together in One, Living Community

  • Was There a Wild West That Needed Taming? Luther Standing Bear (Sioux) Answers

  • Eden for the 21st Century [book cover]

  • The Earth-Self Call: An Invitation Not to Be Missed

  • Einstein Said Survival Requires a “Substantially New Manner of Thinking”—Are We Getting There?

  • The Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable (4/14)

  • Cover Art for My Next Book: Artist John August Swanson (3/18)

Lee’s book Blinded by Progress at | REVIEWS. See Kritika Narula’s (Delhi, India) essay/review on |

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