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Episode 82 :: Kelly Siefken: How Sacramento Food Bank Distributes Food (Where the Food System Fails)

Have you visited the food bank in your area recently? If not, you may have an out-of-date picture of what a food bank is. Let Kelly Siefkin bring you up to date on this podcast. You’ll appreciate her enthusiastic, articulate description of the impact Sacramento [CA] Food Bank & Family Services is making in Sacramento County. She’s the VP for Communications and Marketing there and clearly believes in what she’s doing!!

Special thanks to Paul Taylor for arranging this interview with Kelly. TCGP interviewed Paul for episode #74. He’s been a board member for 20 years at Sacramento Food Bank. Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services (SFBFS) offers compassionate support and a compass for families navigating difficult times. Immediate problems and pain are alleviated followed by services that move people towards self-sufficiency and financial independence. With 15 diverse programs and services, a staff of 82 employees, several thousand volunteers and the financial support of the community, SFBFS guides families on their journey through support and education. 135,000 men, women and children receive support from SFBFS every month. All services are provided at no cost to families seeking to change their lives. SFBFS welcomes families regardless of zip code, income, language or education level. Fifteen programs and services include Parent Education, Clothing, Adult Education, Health & Nutrition and CalFresh. See online for the 2015-2016 Impact Report. In 2015/2016, 8,271 volunteers gave 76,247 hours of service, equivalent to 36 full time employees.

Contact Info: (916) 456-1980 or visit

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Dan Swanson, recently deceased co-director, was a guest on TCGP Episode 66 :: Dan Swanson: What’s Trending in Jubilee’s Paradigm-Shifting Mission |

Episode 53 :: Dan Swanson: How U.S. Policies in Latin America Drive Immigrants North for Survival

Co-host Lee Van Ham’s new book, From Egos to Eden: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable, is now available online at Powells, Barnes and Nobles, and other stores in addition to Amazon. Episode 77 :: Lee Van Ham: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable For a review of the book click on “Review.” REVIEW

Lee’s April Gigs April 23, Earth Day —the 9am Adult Forum at St. Paul’s Cathedral (Episcopal)—”Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable” April 26 —Univ. of San Francisco; noon, “Re-Training Ourselves for OneEarth Living” April 28 —Chaplaincy Institute for Interfaith Ministries, Berkeley, CA “Spiritualities for Earth-size Economics: Healing the Wounds of Disconnection” If you want a “Re-Training Ourselves for OneEarth Living” workshop or other topic in your town, contact Lee at


On recent Simple Living Works! Podcast, we talk with author, blogger, speaker, coach Susan Vogt about her Lenten discipline “Love your enemy” as she listens to conservatives to try to understand why they would vote for regressive government. Visit

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