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Episode 85 :: Lee & Jerry: Actions for a Better World in a Time of Climate Change and U.S. Extre

Each month we follow the featured interview of the podcast with updates from our (Lee and Jerry) other activities. But we never have much time for such—just a couple of headlines. So in this episode you learn more about the what and why of our activities beyond podcasting. We also take another look at the important issues brought to us by recent interviewees.

This episode comes to you with the awareness that August 2 is Earth Overshoot Day—the day when the people of the U.S. have used up the full share of the resources Earth provides us in 2017. The remaining 5 months we borrow from the future. Be sure to see the official website of Earth Overshoot Day to learn more about this important day that’s so fast approaching.

This podcast comes loaded with actions that get us to live within Earth’s abundance and limits. In addition to a review of the Jan.-June episodes, listen for …

  • a review of the current Minimalist Movement and updates on efforts to resist and economy based on consuming

  • an invitation to learn and practice resistance and alternatives through Jubilee Circles or/and being part of a Jubilee delegation to Mexico

How does historic/traditional voluntary simplicity differ from modern-day Minimalism? Do today’s Minimalists have the spirit of social justice or are they more self-absorbed?

Various Minimalist authors, bloggers and podcasters are remarkably successful in helping singles and families deal with finances and the pressures of overconsumption. They focus on decluttering, making room for the the things that are important in life, which are not things!

Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus help over 20 million people live meaningful lives with less through their website, books, podcast, tours and documentary. Jerry’s recent podcast guest Adrienne Raimo of, coordinates The Minimalists group in Columbus, OH.

Author, blogger, teacher Joshua Becker reaches hundreds of thousands of readers through Most importantly, Becoming Minimalist™ is designed to inspire others to pursue their greatest passions by owning fewer possessions. NEWS

August Delegation to MX being rescheduled 20 actions for Earth-size Living “From Egos to Eden” now available at Powells, B&N, and other independent bookstores OneEarth Jubilee Jubilee Circles - currently 3 Soon a new Little Book

If you haven’t already subscribed to TCGP, we hope you will now through iTunes or your favorite podcast service.


Co-host Lee Van Ham’s new book, From Egos to Eden: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable, is now available online at Powells, Barnes and Nobles, and other stores in addition to Amazon. Episode 77 :: Lee Van Ham: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable For a review of the book click on “Review.” REVIEW

OF RELATED INTEREST: Co-Host Jerry Iversen’s Simple Living Works! Website & Podcasts

On current Simple Living Works! Podcasts, we talk with author and speaker Shane Claiborne, co-founder of The Simple Way community, author of the classic “Irresistible Revolution” and recent “Executing Grace: How the Death Penalty Killed Jesus and Why It’s Killing Us.” Also with activist and blogger Peter Sawtell of Eco-Justice Ministries about maintaining morale under regressive state and federal governments.

Simple Living Works! Blog and Podcast

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