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Episode 87 :: Enrique Morones: Advocate for Migrants, Immigrants, and Keeping Borders Humane

Immigrants are increasing in numbers worldwide. Climate change and wars contribute. Failing economies and unjust trade agreements do too. For many around the world, their country is no longer safe for them. Where shall they go? Who can they trust to help them? They are the focus of racism and nationalism. Families are being torn apart by inhumane deportation practices. This volatile issue is our topic on this podcast.

Our guest, Enrique Morones, is a leading voice on immigration in the San Diego-Tijuana region. Since 1986, he has dedicated his life to preventing immigrant deaths in the desert between Mexico and the U.S. With this Episode, The Common Good Podcast speaks forceful resistance to white supremacy, nationalistic worship, and any hint that males of European descent have a divine mandate to rule.

Lee caught up with Enrique in his office in San Diego. Enrique directs Border Angels, an organization he founded. This interview stirs emotions and gives information to help you say better what you believe when the topic of borders and immigration comes up in conversations. With the current U.S. administration, there’s plenty of talking going on. The meanness of the deportations, the white nationalism, the racial profiling, the lies and misinformation—all contribute to a wave of inhumane methods that kill and harm. No wonder our guest today makes an impassioned plea for a change of leadership in Washington. The world allows transnational corporations to roam where they will, but people in danger are not permitted such freedom.

Enrique's Photo and Bio at

Enrique's book "Border Angels: The Power of One" at


A little book (minibook) is now available on forming OneEarth Jubilee Circles. It presents themes and practices to keep Earth livable. Get your copy by making a donation to The Common Good Podcast of Jubilee Economics or write and ask,

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Co-host Lee Van Ham’s new book, From Egos to Eden: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable, is now available online at Powells, Barnes and Nobles, and other stores in addition to Amazon. For a review of the book click on “Review.” REVIEW You can also listen to him talk about the book on an earlier podcast, Episode 77 :: Lee Van Ham: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable

OF RELATED INTEREST: Co-Host Jerry Iversen’s Simple Living Works! Website & Podcasts

On current Simple Living Works! Podcasts, On SLW! in Aug. and Sept. I focus on unusual aspects of the 500 years of the Reformations with members of the Order of Lutheran Franciscans and with Reformation history scholar Bishop Guy Erwin.

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