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Episode 90 :: Ulrich Duchrow: Importance of Radicalizing Our Reforms So We Create a Culture of Life

This episode of The Common Good Podcast presents “take-aways” from a presentation by Ulrich Duchrow, given Nov. 3, 2017, and sponsored by Jubilee OneEarth Economics. Ulrich’s goal? Teaching us to radicalize our work for change, because only radicalized work can move us out of the civilization of death to a culture of life. To radicalize our work means to get below the surface where the symptoms appear. Instead, we are to get down under to the root causes.

Ulrich is from the University of Heidelberg in Germany. His contributions to this work are many, including:

  • explaining the important place that liberating forms of religions have in moving us to a culture of life

  • thinking systemically

  • working with academic peers from many countries on a 7 year project of how to think and act radically in our current context

  • knowing examples of actions for radical change underway around the world that are happening from the bottom-up rather than the top-down

  • having himself grown up in the generation of Germans following the Nazi regime, a generation that asked themselves: “How can this have happened here?”

Ulrich’s thoughts are a GREAT help to all of us looking to make our work result in nothing less than new, diverse, ecological economies that replace the global capital economy and the death it is bringing.

Here’s an outline of what you’ll hear on this episode: •The Starting Point for Work on the Culture of Life •Where Capital Markets Came From •Religious Movements in Resistance That Work on Economies for Life •Many Faiths Radicalizing Reform in the 21st Century •Three Pillars of Capitalism for Which a New Economy Has Alternatives Henry George is one example, see •What Is the Name of the New Economy? •Duchrow’s Advice to Youth and Others Looking for Work—Which Economy? •Challenge to Jubilee Circles from Duchrow

For a review on Ulrich’s book, Transcending Greedy Money: Interreligious Solidarity for Just Relations, see Lee Van Ham’s blog delivered Nov. 4, 2017

For a much of the text of this episode, visit "Are Our Reforms Radical Enough to Keep Earth Livable?" at

To learn more about the radical reformation that Ulrich and others have been part of for the past seven years—a project that has produced seven books—see gives considerable information on the project.


A little book on radicalizing our work for OneEarth living is now available, entitled Jubilee Circles. It presents themes and practices to keep Earth livable. Get your copy by making a donation to The Common Good Podcast of Jubilee Economics or write and ask,

If you haven’t already subscribed to TCGP, we hope you will now through iTunes or your favorite podcast service.


Co-host Lee Van Ham’s new book, From Egos to Eden: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable, is now available online at Powells, Barnes and Nobles, and other stores in addition to Amazon. For a review of the book click on “Review.” REVIEW You can also listen to him talk about the book on an earlier podcast, Episode 77 :: Lee Van Ham: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable

OF RELATED INTEREST: Co-Host Jerry Iversen’s Simple Living Works! Website & Podcasts

On Simple Living Works! Podcast Nov.-Dec. episodes is a new four-part audio adaptation of the annual Advent-Christmas resource "Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway?"

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