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Mid-Jan. Bonus--Walter Brueggemann on Abundance + More Prophetic Thinking

Walter Brueggemann is surely one of the most influential Bible interpreters of our time. He is the author of over one hundred books and numerous scholarly articles. He continues to be a highly sought-after speaker.

Brueggemann was born in Nebraska in 1933. At Union Theological Seminary he earned the Th.D. under the primary guidance of James Muilenburg. He also earned a Ph.D. in education at St. Louis University.

Brueggemann has served as faculty at two institutions in his career: Eden Theological Seminary (1961-1986) and Columbia Theological Seminary (1986-2003). He is currently William Marcellus McPheeters professor emeritus of Old Testament at Columbia. includes Biography and Resources (books, articles, blog, audio, video, speaking engagements)

What's in this episode?

  • Celebrating Abundance;

  • Gift and Task: A Year of Daily Reflections and Devotions;

  • A Way Other Than Our Own: Devotions for Lent; and

  • Rebuilding the Foundations: Social Relationships in Ancient Scripture and Contemporary Culture (with John Brueggemann)

In an earlier episode of TCGP, Ep. #72, Brueggemann spoke of Sabbath as Resistance: Saying NO to the Culture of NOW. And for still more Brueggemann — Money and Possessions: TCGP Ep. #80: Six Theses // #86: brief Biblical survey


Co-host Lee Van Ham’s new book, From Egos to Eden: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable, is now available online at Powells, Barnes and Nobles, and other stores in addition to Amazon. You can also listen to him talk about the book on an earlier podcast, TCGP #77 :: Lee Van Ham: Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable

OF RELATED INTEREST: Co-Host Jerry Iversen’s Simple Living Works! Website & Podcasts

Here’s something new for 2018 in our podcasting. On the first of the month, you’ll be able to hear a new episode on OneEarth living produced by The Common Good Podcast. On the 15th of the month a new episode on OneEarth living produced by Simple Living Works will be posted for your listening. This adds another option for you each month on both websites: Simple Living Works ( and the Jubilee website (

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