Standing with Standing Rock on Central Coast Calif.

More Encouraging News from Central Coast Calif.
About 150 opponents of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) project in North Dakota rallied at the historic Mission in San Luis Obispo, Tuesday evening, Nov. 15.
Led primarily by Native American drummers, singers and speakers, we marched peacefully downtown with hand-made signs, then to City Hall to petition the City Council to resolve to stand against DAPL.
As we stood in a large circle, smoking sage was passed to bless each participant. Though we had no PA system, even the soft voices spread a sense of support, encouragement and gratitude. I heard not a single Trump from any of the speakers. Even without guidelines, we were determined not to let him spoil our event.
Although not organized by a group, the rally drew supporters for the Water Warriors in North Dakota from all over San Luis Obispo County.
I spoke a brief word of encouragement to the group concerning the “Shame on You, Wells Fargo!” demonstration last month in NW Iowa. Even in a conservative state, we work to take business away from the funders of DAPL.
Read about our Central Coast Climate Action rally and march earlier this year. One of the speakers there, Bill Ostrander, was then a guest on The Common Good Podcast episode 70.