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Jubilee Economics
Casa Jubileo
Eastertime and Being Clear about What Caused Jesus' Horrible Death
Holy week is climactically followed by resurrection. Often we will hear how Jesus "died for our sins." It bothers me. There is one way to...
Pushing Back on Extreme Wealth in a Time of Hyper-Capitalism
Problems of poverty cannot be solved through humanitarian aid and kindness, essential as those are. Solutions happen when the economic...
The Altar of Growth
Let me introduce Pat Trahan, Vice-Chairman-Lafayette Market at Iberia Bank, Lafayette, Louisiana. A few years ago Pat began paying...
Why Jubilee Works Inter-religiously and with Other Groups for Alternatives to the Capital Economy
When it comes to the capital economy and the captivity in which it holds us today, it’s not that great alternatives aren’t available....
OneEarth Book Party Invite: 3 Authors and Their New Books
Three Authors invite you to a triple book launch of their 2017 books. LIGHT BRIGHT DAMN NEAR WHITE A TREE FOR TROUBLES FROM EGOS TO EDEN...
Event: "Inter-religious Critique of Capitalism"
On Saturday, Nov. 4, Jubilee OneEarth Economics hosts Ulrich Duchrow from Heidelberg, Germany, at St. Paul’s Cathedral, 6th and Nutmeg,...
Toward an Ecological Civilization
Will Rogers, a famous U.S. humorist once said, “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Good advice. Wish that it were heeded when...
Jubilee Circles—What They’re Doing and How to Form One
Circles organize solar systems and atoms so why not Jubilee? So far in 2017, when we look at all that the Jubilee partners in San Mateo,...
Tolerate the Heat
I love living in Paso Robles on the California Central Coast. Since we’re 30 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean on the eastern side of...
Why World Peace Is Possible
Over 80 peace-seekers filled St. James Episcopal Hall in Paso Robles, on the Calif. Central Coast, Sunday, Aug. 20 to hear Paul K....
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