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Women's March Central Coast Calif.

Even More Encouraging News from Central Coast Calif.

I felt moments of true delight as we moved in the river of thousands of people – over 25% of them men – in the Women’s March in San Luis Obispo (SLO), Sat., Jan. 21. Of the hundreds of signs, all seem to be handmade. No mass-produced protest here.

Since the election I have felt that so much of what I’d worked for in social justice for decades now potentially going in reverse. Our county march – one of 600+ around the world – was inspiring.

A true moment of empowerment came when we joined the main march. As we moved west, we looking one block to the north to see the beginning of the march going east. It was over ten blocks long. It began to rain. Like a blessing, a baptism.

The four speeches were, of course, empowering – one by a human rights lawyer, one by the head of the Cal Poly* Muslim Student Assoc., one by a past poet laureate of SLO Co., and one by the SLO female Chief of Police. (The SLO mayor is also female – surely one of the most progressive cities in a trifecta* blue state!) And a fine musical trio.

Trump was scarcely mentioned. This rally was not about him. It was pro-woman, pro-immigrant, pro-worker, pro-elderly, pro-environment, pro-diversity, pro-health, pro. . . .

The organizers began with a goal of 200 and $1000, and the event brought together 8000+ and $30,000, all surplus going to RISE, a battered women’s shelter.

And how are we going to respond? Here’s one way. . .

Jubilee OneEarth Ministries seeks economic models that work for all on ONE planet, not five, as the current capitalist model works. Now that the current national administration and 25+ of the regressive state administrations, are working to reverse justice for women, workers, immigrants, the environment, the elderly, our health, etc., Jubilee is beginning more pro-resistance efforts – in our blogs, on The Common Good Podcast, etc.

Since Jubilee is a binational organization, our allies in Chiapas, Mexico, are familiar with resistance to government oppression and will be full partners in the efforts.


Cal Poly = Calif. Polytechnic University, SLO.

“Trifecta” states have one political party in state house, senate and the governor’s chair -- 26 are currently red, six are blue, the rest are mixed. All but one (NH) of the trifecta states voted for their party’s presidential candidate.

Mayor Heidi Harmon

Mayor Heidi Harmon

Clean water activist Paula Wansa and my daughter Elysha, former Grand Canyon park ranger -- both Returned PeaceCorps Volunteers

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