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Save the Carrizo Plain!

The Carrizo Plain may not be the rugged Calif. coastline nor beautiful beaches, nor the glorious Sierra Nevada mountains or Yosemite. The Carrizo Plains National Monument is a jewel of eastern San Luis Obispo County. Like all our National Monuments, it’s protected. And they’re all under attack by the new Sec. of the Inferior Zinke, who wants to shrink or eliminate them.

Some 200 Calif. Central Coasters rallied at Mission Plaza Saturday, July 1, to protest the attack on the Carrizo Plain. We heard inspiring speakers—our former Congresswomen Lois Capps, our current Congressman, Salud Carbajal, and our new dynamic mayor of San Luis Obispo, Heidi Harmon.

Northern Chumash Tribal Council Vice Chairwoman Violet Cavanaugh explained how Carrizo Plain is a sacred site for her tribe, where they welcome the changing seasons. Carrizo Plain resident and advocate Pat Veesart explained how the ranchers and environmentalists there have worked together for decades and agree that the monument’s status must not be changed.

The 220,000 acres of the Carrizo Plain are the home to more endangered and threatened plant and animal species than any other place in the lower 48!

Since being named a National Monument in 2001 by Pres. Clinton, San Luis Obispo County and neighboring Kern County have experienced extraordinary economic growth and growth in employment! Tourists are flocking to see the exceptional views, especially when the wild flowers bloom in the spring.

But the DC’s profit greed want to tear up the Carrizo Plain to explore for oil and other exploitation.

See Save the Carrizo Plain on FB

Event co-sponsored by:

Save the Carrizo Plain

Santa Lucia Sierra Club

California Wilderness Coalition

California Native Plant Society, San Luis Obispo County

Center for Biological Diversity

Sequoia Riverlands Trust

Los Padres ForestWatch

League of Conservation Voters

The Wilderness Society

Photo by Floris van Breugel

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