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Why World Peace Is Possible

Over 80 peace-seekers filled St. James Episcopal Hall in Paso Robles, on the Calif. Central Coast, Sunday, Aug. 20 to hear Paul K. Chappell bring a much needed 90 minute message: “Why World Peace Is Possible.”

Paul K. Chappell is the Peace Leadership Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, an Iraq War veteran, West Point graduate, international speaker, and author of six books. (Note: This is not Paul Chappell the conservative preacher/author.)

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu has said of him, "Paul K. Chappell has given us a crucial look at war and peace from the unique perspective of a soldier, and his new ideas show us why world peace is both necessary and possible in the 21st century. ‘The End of War’ can help people everywhere understand why war must end, and how together we can end it."

The event was co-sponsored by Paso Peace Community, members of the North County Clergy Group, Rotary International PeaceBuilders, and Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. Read more about Paul Chappell at, , and

His talk was based largely on a free pamphlet – A New Peace Paradigm: The Human Condition and the Tangle of Trauma - available upon request at or He presented the philosophical and psychological necessities for a Literacy of Peace and closed with one strategy for peacemaking. He prepared the audience for a longer workshop in the future on Peace Literacy.

He told several touching personal stories. He came from a violent home in the South. No extremist group would have him because he was mixed-race—a Korean mother and a half white/half black father. He moved from rage to peace when a teacher told him, “I really like your story. You should think about being a writer.” He credits that teacher's comment with saving his life.

Based on the 35% return rate of the audience written survey at the event, Chappell scored a perfect 5.0 on style and 4.9 on content! Read more about Paso Peace Community at

and [also notes of Paul's talk here]

COMING--Jerry interviews Paul on the October episode of The Common Good Podcast from Jubilee OneEarth Economics.

Photo ID (from left) LynneDee Althouse and Lorretta Butts of Rotary International PeaceBuilders; Paul Chappell; Jerry Iversen, Dick Blomquist and Hart Junge of Paso Peace Community. Unfortunately, missing are co-sponsors Pastor Amy Beveridge of Bethel Lutheran (ELCA), Templeton, and Rector Barbara Miller of St. James Episcopal (Photo courtesy of Elysha Iversen)

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