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Jubilee Circles—What They’re Doing and How to Form One

Circles organize solar systems and atoms so why not Jubilee? So far in 2017, when we look at all that the Jubilee partners in San Mateo, MX, San Cristobal, MX, and San Diego, US, are doing, at all the projects, we see Circles of energy, justice, Spirit, and change. “Wow!” No wonder we concluded: these Circles can be replicated in other places. And so it has come about that we are inviting you and all who read this to increase your intentions about living within Earth’s capacities, and to give that intention focus and energy with a few others in a Jubilee Circle.

Circles are groups of 2-6 persons who meet once per month or more—even weekly if needed or desired—in order to hone personal and collective pursuits of living justly and compassionately on our planet, and to do so with all beings.

“Jubilee Circles: A Guide to OneEarth Living” is a freshly printed small book, a 4x6 minibook, that gives the philosophy and practices for Jubilee Circles. It’s less than 100 small pages, and It’s just the thing to help you form or join a Jubilee Circle.

I. This “handbook” is organized into three overarching actions. The first action is CHOICE, strengthening our choice for the OneEarth worldview over the MultiEarth ways of living beyond what our planet can handle. Jubilee Circles are spaces where we continually renew our commitment to living in a way that Earth can support. To reinforce our choice, we seek to understand more fully the supersize, MultiEarth forces against which we struggle. We continually seek to cleanse ourselves of their influence and displace the MultiEarth ways that bring death to species and creation’s systems with OneEarth ways that bring life. Together, we experience Jubilee as radically communitarian and democratic. We can’t live it effectively alone.

II. The second action is PRACTICE, putting into practice every theme of Jubilee that we can in our daily lives and communities. Circles are think tanks and animation cells. They are not committees. In these energy cells, we ignite one another’s imaginations and empower each other’s calls to action. We measure our individual and collective actions with the questions: Does it fit the planet? Is it good for all beings?

III. The third action is CONNECTING the practices of Jubilee with one’s spirituality. Connecting with our spirituality strengthens our efforts to live with all beings in Earth’s community of life. When our actions converge with our spiritual practice, there’s a quantum expansion in our inner growth, relational alertness, and outer actions. It takes that kind of strong connection to our souls and to the Divine Presence if we are to weather the challenges that aggressively seek to discourage our work. In order to effectively resist the powers of more, more, more that destroy our planet, Jubilee Circles know they must treasure each participant’s spiritual path. Discerning what is our share of the planet’s gifts is a continual challenge. So is our practice of the themes of Jubilee that move us deeply into right relationships with all of creation. We seek to use no more than our share. Spiritual focus is a treasure.

Through these three overarching actions, Circles seek a transforming shift. We are not satisfied with incremental improvements that settle into nothing more than better MultiEarth ways.

Be sure to read the Summer reports from the Jubilee Circles. OH! AND please order your own copy of the new minibook guide to OneEarth living through Jubilee Circles. It may even be that a group you are currently in would like, upon considering the minibook, to become part of a network of Jubilee Circles.

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