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Tolerate the Heat

I love living in Paso Robles on the California Central Coast. Since we’re 30 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean on the eastern side of the coastal mountain range, many days in the summer are above 100 degrees. Growing up in the area, I learned to tolerate the heat. Nights can drop to 50, so if we open the house at night and close it during the day, we need little air conditioning.

We have other ways we need to learn to tolerate the heat.

Part of my prophetic ministry is always to wear a message t-shirt when I leave the house. Most of the messages are positive, such as “Live Generously!” and “Welcome Refugees. Bring the Family.”

But even positive messages can be challenging to some people.

As I was leaving Subway after lunch Friday with my cousin, a white, 30-ish male confronted me about my “Welcome Refugees” shirt.

“Have you ever had any of those people in YOUR home?” he taunted.

“Yes, indeed,” I assured him. (On three occasions for some 2-1/2 years.)

“Well you can have they all in your house.” He then made some barely intelligible comment about paying for refugees but not taking care of our own veterans.

I said, “I’m Jerry,” extending my hand. He refused to shake it.

“Well, God bless YOU,” he barked. “And God bless you too,” I replied. “You can have all of them in your house,” he repeated as I left.

I doubt that anything I said during this brief but tense exchange had any positive effect on him, though I hope it may have reaffirmed those in the crowded sandwich shop who might want to speak up for refugees but have not developed the courage yet.

Let’s focus on the supporting the needy, those who have not yet developed their voice, the timid.

Yes, we have to learn to tolerate the heat. But let’s not waste our time, energy and money arguing with the haters, the fundamentalists, the Alt-Wrong’ers.

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