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Jubilee Economics
Casa Jubileo
Ep. 75: Jean Diaz, Exec. Dir. of San Diego Community Land Trust
With the average house in San Diego in 2016, selling at over $500,000, and with almost 800 San Diego homes selling for over $2M in 2015,...
Episode 74 :: Paul Taylor: How Much Is Enough? A Vital Question for the Common Good
When an economy HAS to grow in order to be strong, it cannot answer the questions raised in this podcast: How much is enough? And how...
Rediscovering the Bible´s Voice on Economics
Money-talk in the Bible is NOT just about charity. It’s even more about economics structures—why some economic structures serve all...
Reading the Bible Economically
Even though money and economic decisions drive our lives, reading the Bible economically remains rare among people of faith. In this...
Episode 73 :: Hal Brody: An Up-to-the-Minute Report on Solar Energy
Costs, technologies, rebates, and policies change rapidly around solar energy. This episode’s interview with Hal Brody lets the sun shine...
Episode 72 :: Walter Brueggemann on Sabbath as Resistance to a Nano-Second, Hurry-Up World
This podcast is about resistance to our 24/7 civilization. Quiet, disciplined resistance.* Practicing alternative, slower behaviors to...
Episode 71 :: Jim Redmond, Mr. Missouri River, on Acting Ecologically Wherever You Live
Our guest on this podcast, Jim Redmond, exemplifies the importance of living in ecological consciousness wherever we are. Jim is a leader...
En días pasados, estuvo en México uno de los teólogos más representativos de la corriente de la Teología de la Liberación, el brasileño...
A Call to the Heart...2nd Chiapas delegation JEM/Casa Jubileo
StartFragment Once upon a time a team of brave men and women sojourned for 3 days to rediscover the daily events of the majority which we...
Economic Recovery—Why Recovery of Sight Is Core to Economic Recovery ala Jubilee
Economic Recovery—Why Recovery of Sight Is Core to Economic Recovery ala Jubilee - JEM Blog - Jubilee Economics Ministries | The Common...
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